lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

English language challenges

When you speak in more languages you are able to talk with more people. But if you speak in English you talk with the whole world. And that’s because it’s so important for a future journalist, like me, to learn this language. A journalist needs to understand what’s going on around the world. I’m going to need to practice my own English; because my English conversation is not good enough to make some perfects interviews, for example. Since I was a kid I have some facilities to learn language. I lived about 3 years in Sweden and it took a few months for me to learn an almost perfect Swedish. It’s true that for little child’s its easier to learn everything, because for example my mom in all those year could never learn the language. Instead she used gesticulation to express herself. On the other hand my father speaks good academic English but his pronunciation is not the best. He speaks a Mexican Arabian English, but almost everyone can understand him. That’s why I think English is a door to a whole new world. My father went to Sweden to make his Master in soils. He is a prominent agronomist from the Universidad de Chile. He never learned Swedish but with his English he could pass all his courses and then he even made some classes for a few young students. So now I think the important to speak English is on the universality of the conversation and the brand new world I could discover. There is a lot of literature in this language, for example.   

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

How green are you ?

Im not the kind of guys who is always thinking in the eviroment, that’s true. But I use to be very clean with my own space. That’s something that I shouldn’t be so proud of, maybe its normal to be like that, but I see all the time how the people mess the parks or his own university, for example. It’s a sort of tradition that the new student in university has to pass by a “test” made by his own older classmates. Its called here in Chile the “mechoneo”; a kind of disgusting ceremony where they mess the university yard and they humiliate the new students. When they finished, you can see all the mess and dirty. My point is that if you are going to defend the “green culture” you must start by your own home, or university in this case. There is some many people that loved to say that they are green guys but they smoke and throw the cigar tail away. As a self-criticism I must start to recycle. There is diferents kind of garbage can for different kind of garbage in my university, but I always forget to respect this and I throw any kind of garbage everywhere. I hope to see that all the people in a near future having a constant green conscience.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

My future Job

I never thought that i could be a journalist or something like that. When I was younger I loved science and I always wanted to study anything related to this. But here I am, in my last year of this career. It has been the best years of my entire life and I learned important kind of matters. Now i think im ready to work in the “real world” but I don’t really like the kind of jobs that they offered to the journalist here in Chile. Here the important think to the people is –almost always, the money. If im going to think that way, im going to need to find a job in a newspaper or maybe working for an important private company. Instead, I prefer to find some new tipe of jobs related to the journalism; I want to be a social researcher working on cinema. Actually now im working in something like that. A few months ago I contacted a Chilean movie director who is now thinking in his second movie. First he made “Volantín Cortao”, a national movie that its going to be released this year, in November. I hope I could make some new mattes and friends in this jobs and stay working with them in his brand news proyects. I think they have a good future in the movies. 

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

My favorite book


It’s impossible for me to choose only one book. I have favorite writers but its hard to me to choose a single book. One of the first writers I liked is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I was twelve years old when I read La Hojarasca and I really liked it. But if you made me choose THE book I like, I have to choose Brave New World, a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley. 

Now I was reading about this book and I discovered that the name Brave New World derives from Miranda's speech in William Shakespeare's The Tempest:

 O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't.

In the book, the vast majority of the population is unified under the” World State”, an eternally peaceful, stable global society where the population is permanently limited to no more than two billion people, meaning goods and resources are plentiful and everyone is happy. 

Natural reproduction has been done away with and children are created, "decanted", and raised in "hatcheries and conditioning centres". From birth, people are genetically designed to fit into one of five castes, which are further split into "Plus" and "Minus" members and designed to fulfill predetermined positions within the social and economic strata of the World State.

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

My hobby

Hello readers!

I want to tell you about one of my favorite hobby: the movies. Since I was a child I loved movies. I think this is a heritage from my father. He is always looking for new films and trying to find old cult movies on internet. I spent a lot of time watching movies with my father when I was a child and he taught me lot about them.
He showed me his favorite movie when I was 10 years old, I will never forget the first time I watched The Godfather. Although the Francis Ford Coppola film is not for children, it became one of my favorite. From that moment I started to love movies.

Now I have the same habit of my father; I’m always looking for good movies, watching some classics or maybe finding strange and crazy films and I show them to my father so we can talk about them.

I have two favorite directors. The first is Quentin Tarantino, he is an American director and he loves action and violence. Almost every movie of him its full of blood and weapons. The second is Ingmar Bergman, he is a Swedish director and his style is totally different from Tarantino. Bergman’s movies are philosophical and contemplatives. The action is in the dialogues and on the mood of the characters.

I’m thankful of my father, he gives me the most important heritage of my live: the love for movies